What is this?
On our about page under the heading "About Tech Corner", conveniently situated is our slogan "Help us help you".
This is our approach for giving back to the customer. Currently other establishments just accept sales with no to little appreciation shown. The reason being, you wanted a service so you paid for it. What we seek to establish from this feature is, acknowledgement of services rendered and our approach to showing you appreciation for doing business with us.
How does it work?
All that is required is that you spend $5500 or more during any month and receive free 5 day advertising via our slider on our homepage http://www.techcornergroup.com.
Please note that this feature is only valid when you spend $5500 or more in services. This does not include the purchasing of items.
With this feature you can chose when you want to have your advertisement displayed on the website.
The days can be accumulated, however please note that free advertisement days cannot be accumulated and rolled over into another year.
Please see below a list of services provided:
•The design, implementation and maintenance of both wired and wireless network solutions.
•Installation and maintenance of security camera systems.
•Installation and maintenance of video conferencing systems.
•Computer setup
•Computer installations
•Computer repairs
•Computer upgrades
•Computer maintenance
•Printer setup
•Printer installations
•Printer repairs
•Printer upgrades
•Printer maintenance
Requirements needed
You need to provide us with the following:
•Customer name
•Image of no more than 1920 * 580 pixels in any of the following formats:
* png
* jpg
* jpeg
•Telephone number
•Email address
•Website address (if any)
The image can be in any form whether it be a business card or flyer. Please note that we do not create or edit images this is the responsibility of the customer. The image provided will be used as is.
Prohibited images
Please note that the image MUST NOT contain any of the following listed characteristics below. Any image received containing the below prohibited characteristics, will not be placed onto our website:
•Abusive language
Yes, spend money on what is needed! However isn’t it better to spend money on what is needed and receive a token of appreciation in return?
Help us help you!
We thank you for your interest in our services and hope that you do have a great day!